Disability Law United is excited to welcome our intern Sam Gerelman! Sam is a rising 3L at Stanford Law School. At SLS, she has been the Academic Chair for the school’s inaugural First-Generation Professionals group, Co-President of Law Students for…
Welcome back Marième!
Disability Law United is excited to welcome back our extern-turned-paralegal Marième Diop! Marième is a paralegal in our Colorado office. Marième graduated from Swarthmore College with a B.A in Psychology and Spanish. After externing at Disability Law United in January and…
News Release: Major milestone reached in making Portland’s streets and sidewalks more accessible
(June 5, 2018) The Portland Bureau of Transportation announced a major milestone in the City’s efforts to make Portland’s streets and sidewalks more accessible to people with mobility disabilities. Yesterday, United States District Court Judge Marco Hernandez issued a preliminary…
Welcome Ana!
Disability Law United is very excited to announce our newest paralegal! Ana Diaz is a paralegal in our Colorado office. She graduated summa cum laude with a B.S. from the School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University,…
Disability Law United and SPLC Send Letter Urging Etowah County Officials to Make Outdoor Recreation Available to ICE Detainees As Part of Jail Renovations
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Thursday, March 8, 2018 Civil Rights Groups Urge Etowah County Commission and Sheriff to Include Outdoor Recreation Access in Detention Center Renovations Holding detained immigrants inside for months, even years without access to fresh air and sunlight…
ADA Defense Abuse: A Case Study
ADA Defense Lawyers Prolong Litigation and Postpone Access: A Case Study of Litigation Abuse Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits disability discrimination by private businesses. Lawyers who defend noncompliant businesses argue that their opposing counsel —…
Disability Law United Files Lawsuit Demanding DHS and ICE Documentation of Conditions at Immigration Detention Centers
Lawsuit Filed Demanding Homeland Security and ICE Documentation of Conditions at Two Immigration Detention Centers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DENVER (February 7, 2018) – Disability Law United has filed a lawsuit seeking the disclosure of documentation of detainee deaths, alleged abuse…
H.R. 620 = Amnesty for Access
Congress is considering a bill — H.R. 620 — that would absolve all businesses currently in violation of the access requirements of Title III of the ADA — in place since 1990 — and permit them to wait to receive…
Pepsi Center to Provide Open Captioning for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Sports Fans
Pepsi Center to Provide Open Captioning for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Sports Fans Class action settlement provides for captioning on LED boards at non-concert events. DENVER January 25, 2018 – Kirstin Kurlander and Kroenke Arena Company are pleased to…
Disability Law United calls on AG, DA to approve compensation for Clarence Moses-EL, falsely imprisoned for 28 years.
Clarence Moses-EL was falsely imprisoned for 28 years. After he was released, the former Denver D.A., Mitch Morrissey, decided to retry him. This jury found him not guilty, and he’s now free after losing the best part of his life. …