Disability Law United is honored to announce César Cuauhtémoc García Hernández as the winner of this year’s Challenging Discrimination Award for his dedicated and distinguished service to the immigration law and policy community and to the broader civil rights community…
Welcome Yashna!
Yashna Eswaran is a paralegal in our Colorado office. Yashna graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, with a B.A. in International Relations and Global Studies with Special Honors as well as Health and Society. Her degrees focused on…
Welcome Julie!
Disability Law United is pleased to announce the appointment of our first Development Director, Julie Yates. Julie will be building a comprehensive fundraising program for Disability Law United and will be working to deepen relationships and enhance communication between Disability…
Deaf Inmate Access to Phone Calls
Connecting with family and friends outside prison can be difficult and expensive for all inmates. However, once they’ve navigated the prison’s red tape and are able to make a call, hearing inmates can directly communicate with their contacts outside the…
Paying Forward: Disability Law Uniteds Extern Program
“I have a strong interest in immigration law and policy and heard about the vital work Disability Law United’s Immigration Detention Accountability Project is doing. Knowing that the attorneys at Disability Law United have a reputation for doing smart, high-stakes…
Disability Law United Moves for Sanctions Against ICE in our FOIA Lawsuit
Disability Law United is tired of ICE lying to us. Today, we asked a judge to make them stop. Today, because ICE has obscured documents from the public and misled us and a federal judge, Disability Law United asked that…
Education Report: Sign Language Interpreters in Medical Settings
Imagine getting sick in, say, rural China. You’ve studied a bit of Chinese and decided to travel there. Then your stomach starts to hurt. A lot. No one at the hospital — from doctors to receptionists — speaks English, so…
What’s IDAP Been Up To Lately?
Since its formation in September 2018, Disability Law United’s Immigration Detention Accountability Project (IDAP) has fought to assert the rights of and improve conditions for hundreds of immigrants in ICE custody in Colorado and across the nation and is laying the groundwork for future litigation efforts. Under Director Liz Jordan’s leadership, IDAP has focused on three key areas thus far: legal challenge of conditions of confinement in immigration detention centers, legal challenge of discrimination against detained immigrants with disabilities, and education and outreach on detention conditions and treatment of immigrants with disabilities.
Colorado Springs Agrees to Install over 15,000 Accessible Curb Ramps in Next 14 Years.
Release Date: March 20, 2019 Colorado Springs – The City of Colorado Springs has settled a class action lawsuit by committing to installing over 15,000 accessible curb ramps throughout the city in the next 14 years. Curb ramps provide people…
Welcome Martie!
Disability Law United is extremely excited to announce the opening of Disability Law United’s Nashville office and the appointment of Martie Lafferty as Disability Law United’s new Director of Accessibility Projects. Martie will be focusing on representing people with disabilities…