Welcome Sam!

Disability Law United is excited to welcome our intern Sam Gerelman!Image: Fair skin, brown haired woman with hoop earrings smiling at the camera

Sam is a rising 3L at Stanford Law School. At SLS, she has been the Academic Chair for the school’s inaugural First-Generation Professionals group, Co-President of Law Students for Disability Rights, Outreach Vice President for Stanford If/When/How, a Board Member and Pro Bono Volunteer for the Social Security Disability Project, a Stanford First Generation Mentor, and a Public Interest Mentor and Fellow. She also participated in a policy lab related to Developmental Disabilities Waiver funding in California and was a full-time clinical student with the Youth and Education Law Project. She graduated from the University of Iowa in 2016 and spent last summer at the Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice at Berkeley Law. In her free time, Sam loves to hike, do yoga, and hang out with her partner and cat.

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