Announcing Disability Law United’s First Director of Operations

Photograph of Ana, a woman with dark hair and glasses,We are excited to announce the appointment of Ana Diaz as Disability Law United’s first ever Director of Operations! In this new role, Ana will oversee and coordinate the administrative, financial, and human resources aspects of Disability Law United. We see the addition of this essential role as a natural progression for Disability Law United as our organization continues to grow and evolve and, based on her experience, Ana is the ideal person to initiate and craft this position.

Ana has been with Disability Law United since 2018, starting as Paralegal and then moving to Office Manager/Lead Paralegal in early 2020. During that time she has handled a number of administrative tasks including: playing a key role in the financial well-being of Disability Law United; managing personnel issues and drafting HR tools; wrangling various day-to-day administrative tasks; attending to state and federal compliance and tax issues, and more.  In her new role, Ana will also have full responsibility for firm-wide Zoom lunches, happy hours, and the annual Weird Shirt (summer) and Ugly Holiday Sweater (winter) competitions.

Prior to joining Disability Law United, Ana’s background included experience in management, administrative support, teaching, and consulting. Her experiences working and volunteering in nonprofit settings have given her a love for their mission-driven, collaborative environments along with an appreciation of the unique challenges facing nonprofits. Ana graduated with honors with a Bachelor of Science in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University, a field of study that expanded her skills of systems-level analysis, strategic thinking, and designing environments for collaboration and community. Outside of work, Ana enjoys hiking, getting involved in her community, and lovingly curating a growing home library.

Ana states about her new role: “I am honored to take on this position in an organization I have come to love and admire. Disability Law United’s work is crucial in challenging discrimination in disability access, immigration, and carceral systems, and I am excited to support that work and Disability Law United’s powerhouse team.”

Co-Executive Directors Tim Fox and Amy Robertson are thrilled to have Ana in this new role.  “Ana has taken on increasing responsibility since she joined Disability Law United.  She is the perfect person to inaugurate the position of Operations Director,” said Tim.

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