FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 19, 2019 Civil Rights Groups Charge that ICE Disregards Immigrants’ Medical, Mental Health Needs and Ignores Discrimination Against Immigrants with Disabilities New Nationwide Class Action Lawsuit Highlights Abusive Isolation, Horrific Medical and Mental Health Care, and…
Accessibility Project Update: Rights of Disabled Inmates
Disability Law United is pleased to announce a new resource called Inmates with Disabilities: Know Your Rights. This resource provides an overview of the rights of disabled inmates and gives examples of potential violations. Please share it with anyone who…
What’s IDAP Been Up To Lately?
Since its formation in September 2018, Disability Law United’s Immigration Detention Accountability Project (IDAP) has fought to assert the rights of and improve conditions for hundreds of immigrants in ICE custody in Colorado and across the nation and is laying the groundwork for future litigation efforts. Under Director Liz Jordan’s leadership, IDAP has focused on three key areas thus far: legal challenge of conditions of confinement in immigration detention centers, legal challenge of discrimination against detained immigrants with disabilities, and education and outreach on detention conditions and treatment of immigrants with disabilities.
Disability Law United mourns the passing of pathbreaking disability rights lawyer and advocate Carrie Ann Lucas.
As we vow to do our best to kick as many asses as thoroughly as Carrie did. The world has lost a fierce advocate, brilliant lawyer, and talented photographer. Carrie Ann Lucas, a disability rights attorney who pioneered representation for…
Disability Law United Announces Immigration Detention Accountability Project
Disability Law United is pleased to announce the launch of the Immigration Detention Accountability Project (IDAP) and the appointment of Elizabeth Jordan as Director of the Project. The Immigration Detention Accountability Project will focus on three major areas: Impact litigation challenging…
ADA Defense Abuse: A Case Study
ADA Defense Lawyers Prolong Litigation and Postpone Access: A Case Study of Litigation Abuse Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits disability discrimination by private businesses. Lawyers who defend noncompliant businesses argue that their opposing counsel —…
Disability Law United Files Lawsuit Demanding DHS and ICE Documentation of Conditions at Immigration Detention Centers
Lawsuit Filed Demanding Homeland Security and ICE Documentation of Conditions at Two Immigration Detention Centers FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE DENVER (February 7, 2018) – Disability Law United has filed a lawsuit seeking the disclosure of documentation of detainee deaths, alleged abuse…
H.R. 620 = Amnesty for Access
Congress is considering a bill — H.R. 620 — that would absolve all businesses currently in violation of the access requirements of Title III of the ADA — in place since 1990 — and permit them to wait to receive…
Disability Law United joins advocates in challenging discrimination in California’s Medi-Cal system
The official press release for the Medi-Cal case filing is below: For Immediate Release LOS ANGELES, CA, July 12, 2017 – State officials are violating the civil rights of 13.5 million individuals enrolled in Medi-Cal, the health insurance program for low-income…
Trip to Red Rocks
Some days practicing law requires long hours in the office, but some days practicing law allows you to be outside on a crisp, Colorado spring day. Luckily for the legal team working on a case to improve accessibility at Red…