Incarceration & Policing

The prison industrial complex has a long history of perpetuating dangerous and lethal systems for disabled people. Our prisons are filled with disabled people (at least 40% of people in state prisons have a disability). Many of those with cognitive and behavioral health disabilities do not have access to the proper treatment and care that they need while incarcerated. Reports also estimate that 50% of people killed by police are disabled. Many officers are not trained to respond appropriately to the needs of disabled people but are still the first responders called when people are experiencing a mental health crisis. Additionally, the use of solitary confinement, lack of proper communications technology for d/Deaf and hard of hearing folks, and the militarization of local police forces threaten the freedom and lives of disabled people, particularly those of color. DLU works to protect disabled
people from further harm in our carceral systems and when dealing with police.