
Accessibility Project

About the Accessibility Project

The Accessibility Project fights with urgency to make real the promises of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – that people with disabilities must have equal access. Disability Law United educates businesses, government entities, the disability community, and their allies about the legal protections guaranteed by the ADA and similar laws. We also engage in negotiation and individual and impact litigation when necessary to address disability rights violations.

Disability Law United is nationally recognized for our education and enforcement work to increase accessibility and end discrimination. Disability Law United seeks fellowship applicants to work with our Accessibility Project on a project benefiting people with disabilities in one of our following priority areas:

  • Physical accessibility – including accessible curb ramps; hotel transportation; stadiums and entertainment venues; and jails and prisons.
  • Equal and effective communication – removing communications barriers for Deaf and hard of hearing individuals in medical, law enforcement, and other settings.
  • Fair housing – including reasonable accommodations in policies; reasonable physical modifications in apartments and condos; and effective communication.

Preferred fellow qualifications:

  • Background in disability rights work
  • Experience working with people with disabilities; and
  • Commitment to ensuring people with disabilities have equal access.

Application deadline and how to apply

Application deadline for a 2023 Fellowship is July 1, 2022.

Please contact Disability Law United’s Director of the Accessibility Project, Pilar Gonzalez Morales prior to sending your application materials to discuss your proposal.